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Julie Kuppinger
Born in United States
31 years
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Edu For Julie, in loving memory January 5, 2008
Em costa imaginar-te absent per sempre.
Tants de records de tu se m'acumulen
que ni deixen espai a la tristesa
i et visc intensament sense tenir-te.
No vull parlar-te amb veu melangiosa,
la teva mort no em crema les entranyes,
ni m'angoixa, ni em lleva el goig de viure;
em dol saber que no podrem partir-nos
mai més el pa, ni fer-nos companyia;
però d'aquest dolor en trec la força
per escriure aquests mots i recordar-te.
Més tenaçment que mai, m'esforço a créixer
sabent que tu creixes amb mi: projectes,
il.lusions, desigs, prenen volada
per tu i amb tu, per molt distants que et siguin,
i amb tu i per tu somnio d'acomplir-los.
Te'm fas present en les petites coses
i és en elles que et penso i que t'evoco,
segur com mai que l'única esperança
de sobreviure és estimar amb prou força
per convertir tot el que fem en vida
i acréixer l'esperança i la bellesa.
Tu ja no hi ets i floriran les roses,
maduraran els blats i el vent tal volta
desvetllarà secretes melodies;
tu ja no hi ets i el temps ara em transcorre
entre el record de tu, que m'acompanyes,
i aquell esforç, que prou que coneixes,
de persistir quan res no ens és propici.
Des d'aquests mots molt tendrament et penso
mentre la tarda suaument declina.
Tots els colors proclamen vida nova
i jo la visc, i en tu se'm representa
sorprenentment vibrant i harmoniosa.
No tornaràs mai més, però perdures
en les coses i en mi de tal manera
que em costa imaginar-se absent per sempre.
Miquel Martí i Pol, Lletra a Dolors.
Amy Weidner-LaSala La vida esta llena de pequenos momentos. October 29, 2007
When I was seriously ill, Julie sent me a get well card to let me know she was thinking about me. The outside said "La vida esta llena de pequenos momentos." or life is made of little moments. Her words meant so much to me during that hard time in my life, that I would like to share them with you, in hopes that they will remind us of what kind of person Julie was:
"It's true, life is full of little moments, good and bad, surprises, disappointments, fun times and hard times. I truly believe it's the challenges in life that help us appreciate the good times!... I'm sure these "challenges" come up in life to make us stronger, to help us focus on our successes in life."
Julie was an amazing person with a beautiful outlook on life. I hope to always carry her spirit with me.
antje herpfer always at peace October 5, 2007

Dear Bonnie and Jon,

Julie was one of the few persons I know who always seemed at peace with herself. She left nothing for the next day. An encouraging or a clarifying word would find its way instantly, thus making her a very respected person. Her smile and positive attitude could overcome anything! Yours, Antje 

Davinia per a una noia molt especial October 4, 2007

Julie, I met you through Carol and we quickly connect each other. Always with a smile in your face, I was starting talking in English and you gave me the greatest support to lose all my fears.We spent a great time together in our classes and you really help me when I had to move to New York. Nice talks about our lifes and our dreams.


Julie, you will allways be in a special place my heart. Davinia

Mark Turnham Such a shame September 25, 2007

I was shocked and saddened to hear of Julie’s sudden death. I sat right next to Julie for over two years at Agilent, but knew her from when we started. I felt a connection with her as we were the only Americans there and we both had similar world views. After leaving, I always looked forward to seeing and chatting with Julie whenever there was an Agilent get-together, catching up on things and sharing a laugh. Now, I really feel bad that I had to wait for the get-togethers to see her and didn’t actively pursue it enough. The last message I received from her she said she was really happy, so in that I take comfort, but I will miss her.

Yemi The Kuppingers September 24, 2007

The Kuppinger family,


May you find strength and comfort for one another at this time of utter sorrow. Please accept my heartfelt sympathy. The only consolation I can draw upon at this time of despair is that Julie lived a full and happy life. This is an admiring example I hope to emulate. Julie's all-encompassing spirit is irreplaceable. She will always be in my heart.



Bryan C. Thomas My friend September 24, 2007

Dearest Julie, you will be truly missed. While I did not spend a lifetime of friendship with you as my wife did, the few times we were fortunate enough to have met in person will make an impression on my soul forever. I feel so very fortunate that you and I were able to become friends despite the many miles between us. May your adventurous spirit live on in each and every one of us; reminding us to live to the fullest and to keep in touch with those we care about no matter the distance.

I’m glad to have now gotten to know all of the Kuppingers- my heart goes out to you for your loss.

Tonia So Bubbly September 23, 2007

To Jon,Bonnie and Danni,

I only ever had the chance to speak  to Julie on the phone but she was just so lovely... even on a Monday morning at 9.00!! Julie could make you feel it was Friday afternoon and nearly the weekend. I really wish I could have met Julie.


My thoughts are with you all she was just so lovely.



Tonia xx

Shakespeare In memory September 22, 2007
And, when he shall die, Take him and cut him out in little stars, And he will make the face of Heaven so fine That all the world will be in love with night And pay no worship to the garish sun.
Nancy & Nadine With Sympathy September 21, 2007
Our deepest condolences go out to Julie's family and friends.  She was such an inspiration to us.  We loved working with Julie because of her positive personality and willingness to take on some challenging "opportunities".  She never let us down.  It's hard to know that she will not be there but she will always be with us in our hearts.
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