Julie Marie Kuppinger - Online Memorial Website

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Julie Kuppinger
Born in United States
31 years
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Sonia E-mail May 10, 2012
Julie girl, tomorrow is your birthday-last week I was typing an e-mail and when I was typing the e-mail address my computer automatically filled it with your e-mail address.  It's been 5 years and it still will bring up your e-mail when I type J, I went ahead typed "I miss you" and I sent it fully knowing that I would get a "failed to deliver" message. I remember our e-mail exchanges in the afternoons and miss them. A lot. Ater you were gone I printed a few of those e-mails and look at them every now and then-

I remember how Julie was excited about her birthday trip. She "only knew" Dani was preparing something special and, courious girl, tried to guess what it was. I remember how happy she looked everytime she told us about that during the mba breaks and ... at the end was Rome! Yes, you got it!!!


Kisses from Tunis (i got it too)


I remember every single day we spent together, but all the memories come together to my mind today. You'd be 32. One year ago, we were in Rome celebrating your 31st birthday. I remember how you enjoyed it even you weren't feeling good. But Italy is not the best place to have stomach problems, so you kept eating pasta and pizza. And you loved it. It was a trip full of hope. We knew we'd spend the rest of our days together. Those dreams were broken, but I know you'll be in my heart forever. You changed my live, and I will always love you.
Mom and Dad

Tomorrow you would be 32 yrs. of age. It is not only your birthday but Mother's Day too.

Your incredible sisters here and in Barcelona and your brothers are missing you terribly. They long to see you again and touch you with their love. They have transfered that love for you to us this year. An overwhelming welcome was given us when we visited Barcelona in April. Dani looks well on the outside, anyway and your friiends are the sincerest group of people we've ever had the privilege of knowing. Your friends here who are too numerous to mention are all praying for you and us that we may one day all be joined with you in the life hereafter. Until that time stay "Forever Young" and rock the heavens with your smile and positive attitude. God has already rewarded you for your life of giving, caring and sharing. Your legacy lives on forever,. Hugs and Kisses, MOM and DAD

Beth Delthony

Though time and distance separated us over the past few years you've always been a part of me.  I'm truly sorry our paths always missed each other as of late but I know how happy you were and I'm grateful for that.  I was always so proud of how brave you were, you never hesitated, always going and doing whatever you dreamed.   I will never forget all the years we spent together pondering life, our future and boys!  I think our parents all wondered if we girls could ever be separated!  There are so many things I cannot do without thinking of times I did them with you.  People always ask how I learned goofy if I'm naturally regular, the response is always the same "Because Julie went first"  I'm glad you were able to turn our Phase 10 skills into a profitable enterprise I can't even tell you how much that makes me smile and laugh to imagine you teaching everyone to play and then winning it all!  No one could ever compare with the training we got playing each other.  You left us all entirely too soon and I will miss you more than words my heart aches to think we will never meet again, but I will not say good bye for as you've told me many times before, we'll see each other again.  You'll always be in my heart Jooles so I'll see you soon.


All my love,


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